2015 All resolutions until 2028

Nachhaltiges Denken umsetzen

Resolution no.: 001

Resolution – 1: – rv
It was resolved:
That all costs for courses, workshops, trips and excursions as well as various other
educational events from membership fees and any additional (donations of all kinds).
be financed on a pro rata basis.
(Resolved at the 4th Board meeting)

Resolution no.: 002

Resolution – 2: – rv
It was decided:
In order to have sufficient financial resources available for NADEUM in the future, it was decided after detailed discussion that each member must transfer € 20 per month to the NADEUM current account set up at Oberbank.
[The NADEUM current account (2016-2018) was discontinued for cost reasons] See resolution no.: 006
Students or NADEUM members who are unable to fulfil the payment service due to their low annual income (obligation to provide proof) are exempt.
Their amount is reduced by 50%. Therefore, € 10 per month must be paid into the NADEUM account (liquidity account) until further notice.
(This was decided at the 4th Board meeting)

Resolution no.: 003

Resolution – 3: – rv
It was decided:
All consumption in the context of NADEUM meetings of all kinds (e.g. Board meetings) will in future be borne by the participants themselves.
(This was decided at the 4th Board meeting)

Resolution no.: 004

Resolution – 4: – rv
It was decided by the Board:
It was decided that every future NADEUM member, regardless of their function, must provide their own work equipment.
(Drafted at the 6th Board meeting)

NADEUM period, phase 2: RESOLUTIONS 2015 – 2018
At the 7th Board meeting, resolutions no. 5 – 7 were proposed, discussed, adopted and minuted.

Resolution no.: 005

Resolution – 5: – rv
It was decided:
That the new NADEUM association signature for e-mail traffic, the individual treatment of
of academic titles.
[Each NADEUM member is free to decide. Internationally, titles of any kind are no longer in use. In Austria and at some institutions, the use of titles can create more respect].

Resolution no.: 006

Resolution – 6: – rv
It was decided:
Justification: The quarterly costs to be paid to Oberbank are disproportionate to the income from membership fees.
income from membership fees.
Result: A liquidity account was set up at Oberbank to replace the current account at Oberbank.
Addition: All membership fees, donations and other contributions such as payments to the association are to be transferred to the Oberbank liquidity account with immediate effect:
Liquidity account IBAN: AT35 1500 0041 1105 8816 and BIC: OBKLAT2L.

Resolution no.: 007

Resolution – 7: – rv
It was decided that:
The Press Officer (Secretary General) and the Chairman (President) edit the NADEUM website in joint meetings.
Addition 2024: For time and professional reasons, the Secretary General is no longer able to fulfil this role.

The following resolution was passed at the 8th Board meeting:

Resolution no.: 008

Resolution – 8: – rv
Furthermore, it was unanimously decided that the ‘NADEUM’ association will bear its own running costs from 1 January 2022. This includes the administration of the domain and emails.
All additional agendas, such as telephone: IT support, must be reported to the Executive Committee in advance.
Costly excursions and any meetings [location and catering] will be borne by the individual NADEUM members themselves until further notice.

Resolution no.: 009

Resolution – 9: – rv
It was decided under point 3 / 9:
The entire Executive Board, i.e. the President, the Vice President and the Secretary General, are authorised to sign for money transfers, i.e. with their personal signature, in compliance with the 4-eyes principle.
[Possible legal concerns were dispelled in a discussion. The President is always one of the authorised signatories].

Resolution no.: 010

Resolution – 10: – rv
By Mr Grimas Marcus / vulgo Gizmo, cost estimate € 500.00.
Product: Creation within ‘Word-press’ but on the server of mirkollektiv.at; a homepage without advertising, free of charge in terms of online provision and operating time until cancelled; support and IT support, online provision on completion of the website ‘nadeum.eu’. Accordingly, NADEUM can afford € 500.00 for the new ‘NADEUM.eu’ website. Minor price deviations are permitted.
[Preliminary contract with ‘Gizmo’ read, discussed, approved, authorised].

Resolution no.: 011

Resolution – 11: – rv
It was decided that Mr Marcus Grimas (Gizmo) will develop, provide and support the following IT services until further notice:
Domain administration
Set-up, installation and turnkey handover of e-mail accounts and further administration
as well as creating the NADEUM website with the official address ‘www.nadeum.eu’, installing important tools, backing them up and notarising them so that all data can be transferred to NADEUM at any time in the event of an accident, death or other unforeseen events.
In addition, Marcus Grimas alias Gizmo is authorised to act on our behalf vis-à-vis third parties in our favour in all IT-related matters.

Due to a price increase of 50% and more than 150% for 2 @nadeum.eu emails (IT administrator from 2019 – 2023) NADEUM has to pull the ripcord. The entire board was informed and in a short extraordinary board meeting it was unanimously decided that a new contractual partner for website; domain administration and email hosting must be found. Thanks to the President’s network, this could be realised in a very short time. The association ‘Mirkollektiv’ and its chairman came to a very good and viable preliminary agreement with the President of NADEUM in a very short time in a professionally constructive dialogue. All payments as well as the preparatory and preliminary work and the technical support were already excellent within the framework of Decision No. 10. As a result, Gizmo was awarded the contract.

Resolution no.: 012

Resolution – 12: – rv
Motion of the President of 16/12/2023:
That NADEUM nominate Mr Marcus Grimas as deputy to the current Secretary General.
In order to support Mag. Phil. Andreas G. Andiel in taking the minutes at all official NADEUM meetings, Mr Marcus Grimas will assist him in the future.
After the prescribed waiting time of 15 minutes and another opening, 100% of NADEUM members were present at GM 5 and NADEUM therefore had a quorum.
Georg – Josef Scherbaum’s motion was favourably received by those present. In the subsequent vote, the motion was adopted unanimously.
The following resolution no.: 012 was therefore passed
Mr Marcus Grimas was thus nominated and admitted to the NADEUM Board of Directors at the 5th AGM.
On 16 December 2023, 21:00, Mr Marcus Grimas also accepted this nomination.

(Addendum: Mr Marcus Grimas alias Gizmo is exempt from the NADEUM membership fee due to his active special activity)

Resolution no.: 013

Resolution – 13: – rv
Motion from 2024-02-20:
On the part of the African members from Kenya who want to establish a branch in Keneia – East Africa, the following motion was made:
Is it possible for the NADEUM headquarters in Vienna / Austria to support the future branch in Kenya through a one-time cost contribution from the NADEUM KENIA AFRICA members ‘Mr Denis-Cheruiyot-Mitei, Mr Ebeneza-Kipngetich-Maseti, Mr Eli-Kiprono-Yebei, Mrs Purity-Chepkoech, Mr Barnaba-Osman-Kwanjeli’? The total costs are estimated at up to € 400.00 including bank transfer costs for an intra-Kenyan NGO. (Supplement: The KES /Kenya Shilling/ has increased in value compared to the Euro, resulting in a total amount of € 750.00).
In February 2024, the 4 Kenyans and one Sudanese decided to establish a NADEUM branch in Kenya.
In agreement with the Secretary General and the sufficient budget funds of the NADEUM headquarters in Vienna, the NADEUM Board unanimously decided to approve this application.
The application was accompanied by a statement of costs for the payments to be made. Every NADEUM member can view this under the internal data ‘Accounting’. The total amount is € 750.00 net. This amount includes both the logistical and the formal foundation costs. (Logistics: 3 NADEUM KENIA members: travel costs to Nairobi, hotel costs and catering costs; foundation of the association: all official costs) Gross including transfer costs will probably be around € 750.00 after settlement.
Andreas and Georg – Josef agree that the CENTRE in Vienna has sufficient budget funds to support the African NADEUM members in founding their Kenyan branch.
Decision at the end of February 2024:
The application of the Africans from KENYA was granted. It was decided that the money should be transferred after all police and official certificates and all personal data of the members that are important for NADEUM have been submitted. This will take place in the first week of March 2024.
In the decision taken after careful consideration, the application was accepted 100% by the 5 NADEUM_KENIA members.
It was therefore decided that the amount of € 750.00 will be transferred to the group in KENIA in the first week of March.
All invoice receipts are to be sent to the head office in Vienna once the branch has been founded.

Resolution no.: 014

Resolution – 14: – rv
It was put up for discussion-2024:
As Mr Andreas Andiel always had his laptop with him, but the President did not previously have a laptop that could be used exclusively for NADEUM-internal meetings, the Secretary General and Georg Scherbaum agreed that a laptop was absolutely necessary in this day and age.
The following motion was submitted by the President to the NADEUM Executive Committee. The NADEUM Association should make it possible for Mr Georg – Josef Scherbaum to be provided with a laptop as part of his work for NADEUM. As sufficient funds are available, this request is granted.
It is decided to provide the President of NADEUM with a laptop of equal value (price approx. € 600.00).
The President decided in May 2024 to purchase the HP laptop at his own expense and thus save the association additional costs.

Resolution – Addendum to resolution no.: 013 results in the
Resolution no.: 015

Resolution – 15: – rv
As the Kenyan shilling ‘KES’ has gained in value against the euro, NADEUM has had to increase its payments. As some payments were necessary in Kenya as well as in Austria for the establishment of the Africa Branch, the following motion was made:
Purchase of a laptop for Denis (the old laptop became unusable) with the help of legal advice from Gizmo.
Notarisation with subsequent verification by a sworn interpreter. (This was required by the Kenyan association authorities. As well as a power of attorney from the NADEUM head office to the branch office authorising it to act independently in Kenya). Transfer of the necessary payments to establish the branch office in Kenya.
All payments [ NADEUM – branch office foundation, travel and catering costs, new laptop and various small payments can be made, but must be kept traceable through accounting.
As Denis Cheruiyot Mitei has credibly demonstrated his abilities and can substantiate all activities with invoices and reports, this one-off payment was made possible for him.

Resolution no.: 016

Resolution – 16: – rv
Due to the lack of time for proofreading and a profound interpreter, the President has decided to use DeepL.com & Write as a translation and proofreading tool. He will share 50% of the annual subscription payments with the NADEUM association and settle his share with the annual invoice.

Resolution no.: 017