Ideologie – Ideology

Nachhaltiges Denken umsetzen

Dies betrifft die vereinseigenen Statuten unter §§ 3 – This concerns the association’s own articles of association under §§ 3

If you want to become part of our organisation:
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Please fill in and sign it and send it to us via WhatsApp. Thank you for wanting to become part of our organisation. We see ourselves as an NGO that initiates knowledge and peace projects and passes them on to interested parties.
We know that those who accept our projects are politically and economically successful.

               (D) Unsere Ideologie / Philosophie besteht aus 5 Eckpfeilern:
               (E) Our ideology / philosophy consists of 5 cornerstones:

Even though many things are digitally networked and communicated today, data has to be stored somewhere. This is probably one of the most beautiful forms. A mobile library.
Auch wenn heute Vieles digital vernetzt und vermittelt wird, Daten, müssen irgendwo gespeichert werden. Dies ist wohl einer der schönsten Formen. Eine fahrende Bibliothek.